Man experiencing lower back pain
A youth focused on a computer and representation of someone that might have Youth Injuries
A clinic showing physiotherapy appointments.
Old woman staying active and injury-free all day long.
A representation of musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Physiotherapist guiding an athlete for calf strains.
Woman experiencing whiplash injury.
Man self-healing accompanied by a Physio
A worker that experiences occupational rehabilitation.
Apple in Palm - A Symbol of Lifestyle Transformation
Man in red shirt experiencing back pain and other injuries.
A representation of someone with musculoskeletal conditions
A person treating joint injury.
A person with low back pain.
Representation of a spine with labels.
A therapist performing posture correction to a client.
A woman with a male physiotherapist.
A person experiencing ankle injuries.
A woman experiencing neck pain
Man experiencing lower back pain
Woman with back pain problems.
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Clinic Hours
8:30 am - 6:00pm
Tuesday - Friday
8:00 am - 6:00pm
9:00 am - 12:00pm
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* Conferred by Fellowship of the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2010