Hip pain and soreness around the hip joint are amongst the more common problems that patients see physiotherapists about. Difficulty lying on the hip, crossing the legs or even standing too long or getting out of the chair can be a hefty and painful task for those that suffer from hip pain. The pain can also be present during the night, making sleep difficult. Other regional hip joint and back joint conditions need consideration, however there are key features in the assessment that direct physiotherapists to look more closely at the tendons of the hip joint.
The primary causes of hip pain are recognised as hip tendon overload injury (tendonopathy), hip joint or low back joint issues. It is the most prevalent lower limb tendon overuse injury and also the most debilitating. It is often associated with hip bursitis, however research suggests the bursa (helps to reduce the friction between two moving tendons) is only sometimes inflamed and if so, then it is a component of the overall problem.